Hello There (again)!

- 2 mins read

Hey there, Internet friends! It’s been a while since I’ve shared some updates from my end, but I’m excited to report that things have been going absolutely fantastic lately.

As many of you know, I work at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), and let me tell you - we’re making some incredible progress with our SLURM cluster running AlmaLinux. It’s been a team effort, but we’ve managed to squeeze out even more performance from our machines, which is just amazing. When you see the kind of computing power we’re talking about, it’s truly mind-blowing to see old hardware being harnessed to provide a computing environment instead of meeting the end of life so many other tech products do… the landfill. Reuse where you can has become my motto over the last few years in the tech world.

But work isn’t the only thing that’s kept me busy. My wonderful girlfriend Rachel and I have been enjoying each other’s company whenever possible. We love trying out new restaurants, taking long walks, or just cozying up at home with a good movie. Life is good when you’ve got someone like Rachel by your side!

Speaking of adventures, I’m super stoked to share that we’re heading to Boxerfest in August! If you haven’t heard of it before, let me tell you - it’s an amazing event for fans of Subarus (mostly WRX and STi Imprezzas) and getting to hang out with folks I only see once a year.

And then there’s my little guy - my son is almost finished with kindergarten! It’s hard to believe how fast he’s grown, but I’m so proud of him for learning and growing at such an incredible rate. Being a dad is one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve ever had, and I feel grateful every day for the opportunity to be his parent.

As I look back on the past few months, I can confidently say that things are going incredibly well in my life. Of course, there are always challenges and obstacles to navigate, but overall, I’m feeling optimistic and excited about what the future holds. When you’re surrounded by good people, amazing technology, and a sense of purpose, it’s hard not to feel like the world is your oyster!

So that’s where I’m at - just wanted to share some updates with all of you. Thanks for being part of my journey, and I look forward to sharing more stories in the future!